1. Go through 500's and 600's first semester and pull all tattered books. This is ongoing. To help with this process I have had my library paraprofessional create shelf labels so that it is easier to reshelve. In this way, we are able to clearly see where we need more resources. We have created space on every shelf so that we are able to display books and so that our library does not look so cluttered. We moved the primary "Welcome" non fiction books on shelves near our other non fiction and put them in Dewey order. This will help highlight these books for our primary students. I have also shown teachers many our our new books in the 500's and how beautifully they can be used to teach text features.
2. Replace with new editions and more current copyright dates. This is ongoing. I have especially purchased new materials for our second grade animal researchers. In our 600's section we have made some progress, but we probably need to do more. These books are used a lot. We have weeded damaged and old books in the 600's which will open this area up for some newer copyrights. In the 600's the car books, pet books and cook books are the most popular. Of these three, the car books are treated the roughest! I have replaced some but they are really expensive!
3. Increase the number of graphic novels and early chapter books. We have relabled our graphic novels and placed them in their own section. I continue to look for additional graphic novels, but there is lots more to be done in that area. We put the "You Wouldn't Want to Be...." books in with the Graphic Novels and their circulation is way up. Today, May 23, 2014, as I look at the shelves where our graphic novels live, they are full! The superhero books are showing lots of wear! As far as chapter books, we are in the process of creating an early chapter book section and shelving them at the end of our Easy section. I am hoping that we can get them labeled next year so that if we are looking for a title we can tell we have moved it to the Early Chapter Book section.
Goals for Circulation:
Grades K-3 will use book bags. My principal purchased book bags for grades K-3. This has been very successful. The students love their book bags and, other than a few getting lost, our books have traveled more safely.
Kindergarteners will take books home. Kindergarten students have been taking their books home. We have lost some.
Circulation improvement: During the 2012-2013 school year we had 26,357 check outs, during the 2013-2014 school year we have had 32,934. This is a 24.95% increase over last year. I am confident that our renewed emphasis on letting the younger students take their books home and allowing them more books per week helped in this matter.
2014-2015 School Year: 1. I am hoping to again purchase book bags for grades K-3. The book bags really get the students excited about library and they provide some safety for the books. 2. I plan to do more book talks and author studies. As I talk books the interest goes up. This is especially important for our chapter book readers. 3. I will continue growing our Golden Sower Book Club. This year I included the 4th graders and they were my largest group of participants. I am hoping that since they showed such great interest this year, more 5th graders will participate next year. 4. I want to understand the data better that I know I have at my fingertips. I think if I become better at understanding the reports and taking more time to analyze them, I will be able to develop better strategies to increase circulation.
Learning Statements: This year I provided learning statements and objectives for students prior to teaching. Here are two examples.
Skype at least one author. We did it! My 4th grade Golden Sower group skyped Caroline Starr Rose after they read her book, May B. It was a fantastic skype. The students wrote up questions in advance which I sent to her in an email. We only had a fifteen minute free skype so I wanted to be as efficient as possible. As it turned out, Caroline skyped well beyond her fifteen minutes and each student got to introduce themself to her. It was a fantastic experience!
Participate in the OPS's Golden Sower Competition. I chose not to. We continue to build our Golden Sower involvement. This year I invited 4th graders to join the group, along with our 5th and 6th graders. Each grade met separately and our 4th graders were SO excited to be a part of this club. Our principal purchased Golden Sower books for the club members. I chose three of the books for grade 4 and four of the books for members in grades 5 and 6. Beyond the books they are given to keep, they are encouraged to read the other Golden Sower books in our library. We are having a Golden Sower party on May 7. Rather than try to organize going to a district competition I am asking questions at the party and correct answers will go in a pot for drawings. All members read at least four books and so were able to participate in the voting process.
Create a more inviting library environment through more signage. I have made large signs for Easy, Fiction, and Non Fiction. We have also done more labeling so that students understand the Dewey categories and so that we have an easier time shelving.
Continue to build excitement for reading through book clubs. I have had three groups of students involved in the Golden Sower Clubs. A group of 4th graders, a group of 5th graders and a group of 6th graders. I also had an "All School" read (grades 4-5) with the Golden Sower book, The Unwanteds. That was really a big boost to excite readers. Also, by extending the Golden Sower Club to include 4th grade I am hoping that this programs grows even more as these students go on to 5th and 6th grades.
Authors and Books: We had some great visits from authors. Grades 4, 5 and 6 all met Lisa McMann and had a wonderful time talking with Lisa and she kindly autographed all of our Unwanteds books, which were purchased for grades 4, 5, and 6. Grade 3 was visited by Loren Long and Jon Agee, who presented together as they traveled through Omaha on a publicity tour. And K-2nd graders were visited by Jodi Moore, who did an excellent job of interacting with the students as she shared her book, When a Dragon Moves In.
Enjoying the book Wonder! And The Unwanteds!
Jon Agee
Loren Long
Jodi Moore
Lisa McMann
Skyping Caroline Star Rose
Teach usage of databases to primary students through the use of Pebblego. These students have used Pebblego for animal and biography research. They really love this database. I have also showed this database to the teachers whose students have used this database.
Teach database "text features" using Pebblego. Pebblego is a great database to teach text features. We discussed the concepts of labels and how a database is organized a bit differently, and yet is has "chapters" and "labels" and many of the same concepts as a print resource has.
Teach a minimum of one Common Sense Media courses per grade level. Have taught one concept per grade level. Grade 6: copyright; Grade 5; Privacy rules; Grade 4: Strong passwords; Grade 3: The power of words & cyberbullying; Grade 2: Communicating online; Grade 1: Staying Safe Online; and Kindergarten: Keeping it private.
Favorite Resources:
Pebblego! I absolutely love teaching using Pebblego and I love to see the teachers' reactions when I show a teacher this database who has not used it before. We use this database throughout the school, but mostly with our primary grades. Our 2nd graders use it the most as they do animal studies and biographies. In the library I use it to teach online "text" features. I compare the tabs to a "table of contents" and I point out the words in a different color and say they are like highlighted words. I point out the different symbols and what they mean. I just got done pairing Pebblego with the book Eat Like a Bear, by April Sayre and illustrated by Steve Jenkins. We learned all about grizzley bears and then we enjoyed the story. We were also able to compare fiction and non fiction in this way. We also used Pebblego when we highlighted biographies. We found a print resource on Madam C J Walker and we used Pebblego. It was effective highlighting text features of the two different types of resources.
World Book Kids: I used World Book Kids with the 5th and 6th grades. We studied this resource and all of its functions. The 6th graders used it for a project when studying mythology. I consider this our "encyclopedia" resource.
Early World of Learning: I did not use this a lot this year, but I used it tons last year when I was teaching computer skills to kindergarteners. I also showed this resource to the primary teachers last year. I need to promote this more as I love this resourse and do not want to loose it!
Brain Pop: I purchased this for our school as the teachers requested it. I used it for teaching internet skills to grades 3-6. I partnered this with the Common Sense Media lessons. Brain Pop breaks information into bite sized parts and is a great teaching tool in so many areas. Our primary teachers love Brain Pop Jr. and our 6th grade social studies teacher used it for teaching mythology and science. This is an excellent teaching tool.
Teachingbooks.net: I started using this resource second semester and wonder why I did not start earlier! This resource provided excellent ideas and materials for books. I especially enjoyed using it for my author study of Sarah Stewart and illustrator study of David Small. I found video of interviews with these two people and I felt like we really got to know them. When we followed up with writing them letters we received the most beautiful letter back from Sarah. In fact, she sent it express so that we would receive it before school was out.
Learn 360: I used this more last year but did not use it much this year.
Culture Grams: I love this resource and started a project which would require using it. I then got sidetracked with other school needs and did not get back to it! Last year I did a project with both 5th and 6th grades. I love this resource but did find it hard for many of my students. They found the text to be a bit overwhelming, even the format for the younger children.
Print Resources: I used World Book Encyclopedias to teach our 3rd graders how to use a print version. They had a blast! It was a great way to practice abc order too.
Omaha Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, age, genetic information, citizenship status, or economic status in its programs, activities and employment and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following individual has been designated to address inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Superintendent of Schools, 3215 Cuming Street, Omaha, NE 68131 (531-299-9822).
Las Escuelas Públicas de Omaha no discriminan basados en la raza, color, origen nacional, religión, sexo, estado civil, orientación sexual, discapacidad , edad, información genética, estado de ciudadanía, o estado económico, en sus programas, actividades y empleo, y provee acceso equitativo a los “Boy Scouts” y a otros grupos juveniles designados. La siguiente persona ha sido designada para atender estas inquietudes referentes a las pólizas de no discriminación: El Superintendente de las Escuelas, 3215 Cuming Street, Omaha, NE 68131 (531-299-9822).