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Turbes & Powers Holocaust Research Guide: Home

Online Resources

You will need to ask your teachers or the librarian about the usernames and passwords for home use. 

Related Books

Mrs. Turbes and Ms. Powers have checked out a variety of Holocaust books from the Buffett Library.  Students are able to use these books in their Reading classrooms.  Here is a sampling of the titles available to students:

Turbes & Powers Holocaust Research Guide

During the months of December and January, students will be reading the novel Number the Stars by Lois Lowry.  This Newbery award winning book is told from the point of view of ten-year old Annemarie Johansen, a Danish Christian, whose best friend is a Danish Jew.  The story is set in the city of Copenhagen, Denmark, in September, 1943, the third year of the Nazi occupation of Denmark.  As students read this text as well as various Holocaust related novel during personal reading time, not only will they extend their reading and vocabulary skills and apply previous and newly-acquired strategies, but they will also develop concept knowledge relating to World War II and Hitler’s rise to power.

Project Calendar

Want More?

If you are interested in finding out more, visit the Buffett Library to gain access to online materials as well as Holocaust non-fiction and fiction books.  We are here to help!

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