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Curriculum Day for Technology Teachers September 18, 2020: Technology

Activities for the Day

Technology Teachers' C-Day

Hello everyone! We have time to complete one learning option from the LibGuides, to do to hear from Mr. Greg, do some collaborative planning.

12:30 - 1:10 Complete Learning Option from Libguide


Required: Mr. Greg: The New Normal! Join Session

In our new normal of virtual teaching, technology is a must! Mr. Greg will share his favorite tech tools and how he's making virtual teaching work for his kindergarten students. 


Curriculum Day Technology Teachers

Required: Social & Cultural Literacy: Collaboration in TEAMS Led by McKenzie White and Melissa Cleaver

  September 2020 Curriculum Day Survey

Learning Options

Explore ONE learning option on this page. 

Write a reflection of how you might use these tools/strategies in your instruction. Remember that we must use only district approved apps. If you find a great idea, but it it not an approved APP, consider how you would adapt that for your classroom.

Your reflection should go here: One Drive Folder

Name your file with your last name.

Omaha Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, age, genetic information, citizenship status, or economic status in its programs, activities and employment and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following individual has been designated to address inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Superintendent of Schools, 3215 Cuming Street, Omaha, NE 68131 (531-299-9822).

Las Escuelas Públicas de Omaha no discriminan basados en la raza, color, origen nacional, religión, sexo, estado civil, orientación sexual, discapacidad , edad, información genética, estado de ciudadanía, o estado económico, en sus programas, actividades y empleo, y provee acceso equitativo a los “Boy Scouts” y a otros grupos juveniles designados. La siguiente persona ha sido designada para atender estas inquietudes referentes a las pólizas de no discriminación: El Superintendente de las Escuelas, 3215 Cuming Street, Omaha, NE 68131 (531-299-9822).