Students/ I will understand how natural and artificial light affects humans.
Students/ I will understand how natural and artifical light is used in architecture.
Students/ I will apply their knowledge of the usage of light in architecture to create a two dimension project.
Guiding Question:
How can I use light to communicate with someone who is looking at an architectural drawing I have created?
Essential Questions:
How does light affect humans physically and emotionally?
How can light be used to communicate emotions?
How do artists and architects use light?
Complete the following tasks in order to create your architectural light canvas..
1) Using the guiding and essential questions research light. As you are researching light determine what the focus of your project will be. What question about light will you be able to answer with you project.
2) Create a presentation explaining what you learned about light. Your presentation may be an essay, PowerPoint, brochure, video, or other presentation format. The requirements are that it answers the essential and guiding questions, that you use multiple vaied sources, and that sources are cited using APA guidelines.
3) Select an archetectual building design that you want to model.
4) On paper create a scale diagram of your bulding.
5) On an overlay determine and map out where the LED lights will be place on your model to achieve the lighting effect you wish to model.
6) Using the overlay map of LED lights determine the conductive path needed with btteries and switched to light your model.
7) Transfer your building diagram from paper to canvas.
8) Paint your canvas using accurate lighting and shadows to immulate your desired lighting affect.
9) Using conductive tape, LED bulbs, batteries, and switches to add light to your painting.
10) Present your research and painting.
The following are requirements for the research project:
1) Take notes in your own words. These notes should help you answer the essential questions leading you to be able to answer the projects guiding question.
2) Use at least one of each of the following resources; a book or magazine, a library database, a website. You may use more and share good resources you find with your classmates.
3) Write citations of each resource to be included in your project.
When completing your research presentation you will need to include the following:
1) APA citation of all resources.
2) Information written in your own words.
3) If creating a:
PowerPoint you will need 7 to 20 slides containing facts and answering essential questions.
Essay you will need at least 5 paragraphs containing facts and answering essential questions.
Movie should be at least 3 minutes containing facts and answering essential questions.
Infographic will need to contain 10-20 points of interest containing facts and answering essential questions.
Other presentation ideas need approval from Mrs. Arbuckle.
4) Edited and highest quality of work.
McMillan's Online Library Resources have been carefully selected to assist students and staff in their research needs. These online resources can be used at school or home. Usernames and passwords for using the databases at home are in students' agendas or can be obtained from the librarian. Click here for McMillan's Online Library Resources.
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Las Escuelas Públicas de Omaha no discriminan basados en la raza, color, origen nacional, religión, sexo, estado civil, orientación sexual, discapacidad , edad, información genética, estado de ciudadanía, o estado económico, en sus programas, actividades y empleo, y provee acceso equitativo a los “Boy Scouts” y a otros grupos juveniles designados. La siguiente persona ha sido designada para atender estas inquietudes referentes a las pólizas de no discriminación: El Superintendente de las Escuelas, 3215 Cuming Street, Omaha, NE 68131 (531-299-9822).