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Ms. Blackburn's Language Arts: Book Art Project



LA 8.1.6o Respond to text verbally, in writing, or artistically

LA 8.1.6b Identify and analyze elements of narrative text (e.g., character development, setting, plot development, conflict, point of view, inferred and recurring themes)

LA 8.1.6c Analyze author’s use of literary devices (e.g., foreshadowing, personification, idiom, oxymoron, hyperbole, flashback, suspense, symbolism, irony, transitional devices)


LA 8.2.2b Write considering typical characteristics of the selected genre (Art review, story summary)

Listening and Speaking:

LA 8.3.1a Communicate ideas and information in a manner appropriate for the purpose and setting

LA 8.3.1b Demonstrate and adjust speaking techniques for a variety of purposes and situations

LA 8.3.1c Utilize available media to enhance communication

Multiple Literacies:

LA 8.4.1.a Select and use multiple resources to answer questions and support conclusions using valid information (e.g., print, subscription databases, web resources)

LA 8.4.1.b Demonstrate ethical and legal use of information by citing sources using prescribed formats and tools (e.g., online citation assistance, publication guidelines)

LA 8.4.1c Practice safe and ethical behaviors when communicating and interacting with others (e.g., safe information to share online, appropriate language use, utilize appropriate sites and materials, respect diverse perspectives)

LA 8.4.1g Use social networks and information tools to gather and share information (Instagram)

Due Dates

Get books in class on August 13th (A) and 14th (B)

Quiz over literary devices/ narrative elements: August 21st (A) and August 22nd (B)

Read book and take notes about elements/devices by: August 25th (A) and 26th (B)

Rough draft due /typing summary in class: August 25th (A) and 26th (B)

Summary due by: August 27th (A) and 28th (B)     Accepted until August 29th

Browse artists/art types in class: August 27th (A) and August 28th (B)

Kleenex Box presentation: August 29th (A) and September 2nd (B)

Artwork due: September 3rd (A) and September 4th (B)    Accepted until August 5th

Art summary due: September 3rd (A) and September 4th (B)    Accepted until August 5th

Post to Instagram in class on: September 3rd (A) and September 4th (B)

Presentations: Starting September 3rd (A) and 4th (B) and continuing on September 5th (A) and 8th (B)

Art displayed: September 8th - September 12th (Pick up on the 12th)

Assignment Directions

1. Read a novel and evaluate for narrative text elements and literary devices.

2. Write a short summary about the story including the narrative text elements and literary devices.

3. Respond to the text by creating an art piece inspired by the book.

4. Write a short explanation paragraph to accompany your art piece.

5. Post a picture and text about your art work on to the class page.

6. Present your art to the class in a short presentation.

Materials provided by the school for art: copy paper, colored pencils, regular pencils, markers, crayons, construction paper, glue, rubber cement, black sharpies. Any other supplies a student wants must be provided from home.  

Step One: Reading

  1. Pick a novel from one of the choices provided
  2. Create a reading schedule by dividing the number of pages by the days you have to read.
  3. On the handout, take notes on both narrative elements and literary devices.
  4. On a separate sheet of paper, take notes on the narrative elements and literary devices of your story. This information will be used for your paper.

Students will not be able to type their summary in class until their handout is completed. Spanish students will be reading a book with a character from a Spanish speaking country or a book with a setting of a Spanish speaking country.

Step Two: Summary

  1. This summary will include the narrative elements and literary devices the author used.
  2.  Write to the following prompt: Explain what your story was about. How did the author use literary devices to enhance the story?

You will write one long summary paragraph about how the narrative elements or devices enhanced the story. Do not just write a plot summary (what happened first, second, last).

Your topic sentence should include the author, title of book, and your opinion: Ex:  Touching Spirit Bear, written by Ben Mikaelsen, was a riveting book with plot twists and great symbolism.

Paper expectations:About 1-2 pages typed, 12 size font, 1 inch margins on all sides, normal font, double spaced, page numbers on the top right corner with your last name Please include a double spaced header in the left upper corner with your name, the date, your class and block.

Center and underline the title of your paper     Ex:  Investigating Touching Spirit Bear
The last page should be a Works Cited page in MLA format with the citation of your novel

Students may use school computers to type their summary anytime from August 25th to August 28th after school. This needs to be arranged before hand with the teacher or librarian.

Step Three: Art

  1. You will first find an artist or type of artwork to inspire and influence your work.
  2. You will need to find some information about your artist from books or online. Take notes so you can include some information in your art summary.
  3. Using your chosen artist or type of art to inspire you, you will make a piece of art in response to reading the text
  4. This art can use any medium
  5. You will need to be able to explain how your piece of art pertains to your novel. All art will be able to be taken home after a week on display. Please keep in mind that this art will be in the hallway and could be damaged or stolen.


Videos to go with Lessons

Step Four: Art Summary

Your summary will need to include the following information:

  • Title of your art
  • Materials used to make it
  • What artist or type of art inspired you
  • When the artist was alive or what era the type of art started
  • How the art piece pertains to the novel

You will type out this information and glue it on to a 4x6 index card to be displayed with your art.

Step Five: Posting

You will use the Ipads to post a picture of your artwork to our class page.

You will take a close-up picture of your artwork (you may use any of the filters).

You will type the following information in your description: first and last name ( hyphen -) Title of Artwork (hyphen -) Novel Title (hyphen -) Author of Book (hyphen-) medium of art (hyphen -) Description of how the art is symbolic or representative of the story.  

You will vote for your favorite piece by going online and browsing through all of the pictures after the due date. The top three winners will have their work displayed for the whole school to see it.


You will present your piece to other students in our class.. You will be graded on your speaking techniques (eye contact, volume, tone, posture)

You will present a Kleenex Box project about yourself for a formative grade.

You will present your art project about the book for a summative grade.

Omaha Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, age, genetic information, citizenship status, or economic status in its programs, activities and employment and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following individual has been designated to address inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies: Superintendent of Schools, 3215 Cuming Street, Omaha, NE 68131 (531-299-9822).

Las Escuelas Públicas de Omaha no discriminan basados en la raza, color, origen nacional, religión, sexo, estado civil, orientación sexual, discapacidad , edad, información genética, estado de ciudadanía, o estado económico, en sus programas, actividades y empleo, y provee acceso equitativo a los “Boy Scouts” y a otros grupos juveniles designados. La siguiente persona ha sido designada para atender estas inquietudes referentes a las pólizas de no discriminación: El Superintendente de las Escuelas, 3215 Cuming Street, Omaha, NE 68131 (531-299-9822).